2 Kings 8:1-6
Elisha had told the woman whose son he had brought back to life, “Take your family and move to some other country, for the Lord has called down a famine on Israel that will last for seven years.”
So the woman took her family and lived in the land of the Philistines for seven years. After the famine ended, she returned to the land of Israel and went to see the king about getting back her house and land. Just as she came in, the king was talking with Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, and saying, “Tell me some stories of the great things Elisha has done.” And Gehazi was telling the king about the time when Elisha brought a little boy back to life. At that very moment, the mother of the boy walked in!
“Oh, sir!” Gehazi exclaimed. “Here is the woman now, and this is her son—the very one Elisha brought back to life!”
“Is this true?” the king asked her. And she told him that it was. So he directed one of his officials to see to it that everything she had owned was restored to her, plus the value of any crops that had been harvested during her absence.
WOW! Pretty amazing, right?
That’s the kind of God we serve! He has given us every good and perfect gift (James 1:17) but He also promised to restore to us what the enemy has stolen! We have His promises but we must believe them and declare them ourselves!
God gave His Son, Jesus to restore us back into fellowship with Him. He has made every provision for our health to be restored back to us. Jesus paid the price at the cross, not only for our sins to be forgiven but for us to be healed. (Isaiah 53:4-5) The Word of God tells us that God renews our youth like the eagles (Psalms 103:5). There are verses after verses in the Bible of God’s promises of restoration. But, we have a part to play in it. It doesn’t just automatically happen!
Faith is voice activated! When we know what the Word of God has promised us, we must begin to speak it and declare it over our life! If we are passive about the promises of God we will not see them manifest in our life. We must have aggressive faith!
We have been created in God’s image and after His likeness. He looked out and saw darkness, but He didn’t speak darkness – He spoke “Light be” and light was! We are supposed to act like Him, speak like Him, and live like Him! After all, we are His children! It’s time we act like our Daddy!
Get in the Word of God today and find out what you have been given. That’s where it starts. God’s Word is His will for us! Take His Word and begin to speak it forth in faith and watch what happens! It will be awesome and you will begin to live the Sweet Life!