This is my son, Pastor Joshua Davis teaching an awesome message.
Author: Teresa
“You Have To Trust Me Completely” – God
This is reprinted from an email that I got on Valentines Day this year. I want to share it here because this is the one thing that God has continued to impress upon me for a few years now….learning to trust Him completely and to trust in His love for me.
From Angela Rose @ Laundry Moms
My plane landed in Atlanta and I began the usual scenario of making my way to baggage claim and then picking up the rental car. I still had a two hour drive up to the mountains to find the cabin before it got dark.
I wasn’t really looking forward to the weekend but had agreed to go as part of working on myself to reach my personal development goals. “Freedom to Hope” was a weekend designed to grow yourself in order to improve the relationships in your life.
Now, I love to travel but I tend to be a bit of a homebody…is there such a thing as an extroverted introvert? LOL…Plus, hanging out with complete strangers for three nights and four days, crying and spilling our guts to each other is not exactly my idea of a great get away. Nevertheless, I was going to go all in and get the most out of my time and money investment, but I had no idea all I was about to encounter.
My emotions were already in high gear after my husband’s project had come to an end after ten years with the same company, our family had been uprooted and moved across state, and stressful circumstances were surrounding our living arrangements.
Winding up the mountain road, I finally found the cabin and made my way in to the meet and greet, only to realize I wasn’t going to have a bedroom, but was staying on a cot in the loft. Honestly, I just kept counting down the hours till I could vacate this “vacation”.
As the sun came up the next morning, I skipped breakfast, grabbed some hot tea and found a comfy spot in the back just as the first session began. We had several sessions in a day and after the main teaching there was about 45 minutes of time carved into the program for alone time to hear from God.
So when we broke away, I found a secluded spot upstairs near a sliding glass door overlooking the majestic Georgia mountains, I sat down on the carpet and let the warm sunshine pour over my face as I closed my eyes, and took a deep sigh…I said…Ok, Lord…I’m here, what do you want to say to me?
And in that still quiet moment…as clear as a bell, I heard the Lord whisper…
“You don’t trust me.”
I don’t trust you? I stammered…Lord, why would you say that?
I believed in you at the age of almost five years old, made it official with asking Jesus into my heart at 12 (so I didn’t miss the rapture), went to a Christian school, Christian college, and homeschooled my kids for 18 years, of course I trust you. (side note…arguing with the one who knows you inside and out better than you know yourself…I’ve learned is not always very smart!)
I stopped talking…He said it again…”Angela, you don’t trust me.”
“Your motto has been…’if it’s going to be it’s up to me’, and you have believed a lie.”
Tears began to roll down my face, even now as I write, my heart is grieved knowing that for so many years, I didn’t only pursue Him, but mostly what I could do for Him.
That’s not love.
That’s working to gain approval and is rooted completely in performing for love.
God loves us period.
No matter what we do or don’t do. He loved us before we were ever born.
Psalm 36:7 says,“O God, how extravagant is your cherishing love! He’s written “love notes” to us throughout His word!
On this Valentine’s day, I’m not sure if you received the dozen roses, or even your favorite flowers, maybe you scored a box of chocolates, or a special card, perhaps you didn’t receive anything at all, or maybe your special someone is not in your life any longer. Whatever the situation, I want to remind you…
You are loved.
Your Daddy God in heaven loves you more than you can imagine!
Returning from that life changing weekend in Georgia all those years ago sent me on a journey to pursue Him and not what I could do for Him.
Because if you don’t believe God loves you, then you won’t believe what God has promised you in all His “love notes” to you, and if you don’t trust Him and His word, your faith won’t work…
Because your faith works by how much you believe God loves you!
I pray this day as we celebrate LOVE you come to realize just how much God loves you, and nothing can ever separate you from His love!
My Journey
As some of you know on January 26, 2014 my life suddenly changed in a moments flash. As quick as the blink of an eye, my husband, Jim Cook stepped over from his life here into his heavenly home. This is a only a small recount of my amazing journey over the last 7+ years and the awesome power of my Papa to heal me and restore me. I am going to start with a post I placed on Facebook on January 26, 2018, the 4th anniversary of when Jim moved to heaven. This is about the Hope found only in Jesus that we can all have! He’s awesome, majestic and His love will fill every empty place in your life, if you will let Him! Please read it and I hope you enjoy it.
This post is about the grace, love and goodness of my precious Lord!
4 years ago tonight my life changed in a moments time. As we were preparing to go to bed, my husband, Jim Cook suddenly fell in the floor and he was gone. He stepped over into heaven that quickly! I performed CPR on him for approximately 14 minutes before the paramedics arrived. However, their attempts were not successful and he was home with Jesus to stay!
I was alone by myself for about 20 hours until my son and daughter-in-law arrived from Texas the next day. However, God was with me in such a powerful way during that time! Looking back on it, I was so calm and at peace, which I know now had to be the powerful presence of God that was with me and in me. He is AMAZING!
There were times during those next few months that I would be so overcome with the horrific pain gripping my heart and in my uncontrollable sobs and weeping all I could do was cry out to God, “Help me, Lord!” Almost instantly, the weeping and tears would begin to subside and within about 35-45 seconds the tears and pain would be completely gone. I know experientially now what God meant when He told the Apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you” because when I was at the end of my human ability His grace rescued and delivered me many times!
Although this has been the hardest and most difficult thing I have ever had to walk through in my life, I can say that when God does a work He does it completely! He has not only healed me of the trauma of how Jim passed and the emotional pain of losing my precious husband, but He has also healed me of all the emotional baggage that I had carried all my life! It has been an amazing journey with God that has changed me forever! So much more than I ever expected! He loves us so much! He promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us, that He will be with us in trouble, He will deliver us and honor us! He is faithful to uphold His Word, His promise to us!
Do I miss Jim? Absolutely! Every minute! I miss his presence with me, his love for me, his affection, his smile, his infectious laugh and sense of humor, our life together and the years that we won’t have here! Do I grieve for him? Only for what I don’t have, not for what he has! Would I bring him back? NO! He is home! He talked about heaven with a smile and a sparkle in his eye! He said to me many times, “Honey, it’s going to be soooo good we won’t miss anything here!” He had an eternal perspective and he is right where he wants to be! Someday, I’ll be with him again!
But until then I will sing, shout and proclaim the amazing love, goodness, grace, and mercy of my Lord, Jesus Christ and how He has made us all overcomers!
2 Corinthians 2:14 But, thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ…
True Happiness
Are you happy? Truly happy? True happiness doesn’t come from our surroundings, material goods, circumstances or other people. It can only come from inside! It took me a lot of years to understand that. It wasn’t until I encountered God’s unconditional love for me and His love became a reality to me. Then, I was able to forgive myself and love myself, because He first loved me! That’s when the inner joy and peace came that gave me the true happiness I’d always sought externally! Of course, there will be things in my life that aren’t perfect, but that doesn’t affect my happiness and peace of mind because that comes from within me and from Who is living in me! I know Who I am and I know Whose I am! This heart revelation changed everything in my life and it will change your life, too!
This Is My Son
This is my son, Joshua Davis. He is in his second year of Bible College at Kenneth Copeland Bible College in Fort Worth, TX. This is his first sermon that he delivered today, October 22, 2019 in class. He had to keep it between 7-8 minutes. I think he done an excellent job and I am so proud of him! It blesses a Mama’s heart to see all her children following after God and having a heart for Him and His Word. Thank You, Father! Praise God!
God Loves Me!
Ok, I’m gonna be real here! I just feel like sharing something that may help someone today. All my life I struggled with rejection, but I didn’t know what it was until God revealed it to me these past few years. This is something so many struggle with, both men and women alike. But, the Truth of God when it is revealed to your heart will set you free.
He began to show me that “feeling rejected” is a lie based on many things, particularly experiences we have had that caused the wrong thoughts and the wrong emotions and that it is a trick and strategy of the enemy. He shared His love, pouring it out on me in such an overwhelming display of Who He is and He told me how beautiful I am to Him, that there isn’t anything wrong with me because Jesus Christ made me accepted in the Beloved!
Then, He showed me this truth: when that nasty old emotion of rejection tries to arise as a result of something that someone has done or said, that there is nothing wrong with me. He showed me that person is the one with the problem, not me!
Wow! That set me free! I no longer allow the enemy to play that card with me and when those old thoughts and feelings/emotions try to arise, I speak to them out loud. I say, “That’s a lie! There’s nothing wrong with me!” I take those thoughts and emotions captive according to the Word of God, and I take authority over them in the Name of Jesus! I refuse to allow them to have a place in my mind!
My Papa loves me and what more do I need? What more do you need than to know that Father God loves you, has accepted you, and is pleased with you?
Live Supernaturally

Speak Life

Our God Is The God of Restoration

2 Kings 8:1-6
Elisha had told the woman whose son he had brought back to life, “Take your family and move to some other country, for the Lord has called down a famine on Israel that will last for seven years.”
So the woman took her family and lived in the land of the Philistines for seven years. After the famine ended, she returned to the land of Israel and went to see the king about getting back her house and land. Just as she came in, the king was talking with Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, and saying, “Tell me some stories of the great things Elisha has done.” And Gehazi was telling the king about the time when Elisha brought a little boy back to life. At that very moment, the mother of the boy walked in!
“Oh, sir!” Gehazi exclaimed. “Here is the woman now, and this is her son—the very one Elisha brought back to life!”
“Is this true?” the king asked her. And she told him that it was. So he directed one of his officials to see to it that everything she had owned was restored to her, plus the value of any crops that had been harvested during her absence.
WOW! Pretty amazing, right?
That’s the kind of God we serve! He has given us every good and perfect gift (James 1:17) but He also promised to restore to us what the enemy has stolen! We have His promises but we must believe them and declare them ourselves!
God gave His Son, Jesus to restore us back into fellowship with Him. He has made every provision for our health to be restored back to us. Jesus paid the price at the cross, not only for our sins to be forgiven but for us to be healed. (Isaiah 53:4-5) The Word of God tells us that God renews our youth like the eagles (Psalms 103:5). There are verses after verses in the Bible of God’s promises of restoration. But, we have a part to play in it. It doesn’t just automatically happen!
Faith is voice activated! When we know what the Word of God has promised us, we must begin to speak it and declare it over our life! If we are passive about the promises of God we will not see them manifest in our life. We must have aggressive faith!
We have been created in God’s image and after His likeness. He looked out and saw darkness, but He didn’t speak darkness – He spoke “Light be” and light was! We are supposed to act like Him, speak like Him, and live like Him! After all, we are His children! It’s time we act like our Daddy!
Get in the Word of God today and find out what you have been given. That’s where it starts. God’s Word is His will for us! Take His Word and begin to speak it forth in faith and watch what happens! It will be awesome and you will begin to live the Sweet Life!