
Are you complacent?


Complacency – A feeling of being satisfied with the way things are and unconcerned with changing them or making them better; a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder.

Synonyms – apathetic, casual, disinterested, unconcerned, contented

Antonyms- discontent, insecure, dissatisfied, unhappy

God spoke to me a few years ago that complacency is a deception of the enemy and its purpose is to steal our desire and motivation to change our circumstances, thus robbing us of our destiny.

If we are content with things the way they are, then we won’t do anything to change ourselves or our situation, whatever it might be. We lack the motivation to step out to change the things in our life that need to change. Often, this is because it is so much easier to not do anything than to put forth the work or the effort needed to change. In other words, taking the easy way. Another reason for complacency could be because we are fearful of taking a step of faith, of getting out of the boat to walk on the water!

However, we cannot live the abundant life here on this earth or do mighty things for the Kingdom of God if we are just going to sit in our little place of safety and security, being content with what we have and not willing to risk changing. We are satisfied with our little, menial life! We are complacent and this robs us of the peace and joy that we will have if we are willing to get off our laurels and work toward fulfilling God’s plan and destiny for our lives! 

Psalms 82:5 AMP says, “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in the darkness (of complacent satisfaction).

The Word of God calls complacency “darkness”! It is a tactic of the enemy to rob us of the great and mighty things that God has destined for us. It will cause us to abort God’s plan for our lives.

We should desire being uncomfortable, be willing to get out of our little comfort zone and stretch ourselves to fulfill God’s purpose for our life. God had to take Abraham into an unfamiliar, uncomfortable place to bring about the Promised Heir! Think about that! If Abraham had refused to leave his place of comfort and security, God could not have fulfilled through him the birth of Isaac and the coming of the Promised Seed, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer! Abraham would not be known today as Our Father of Faith!

Look at the antonyms above. Are you discontent, unhappy, and dissatisfied with your life? What great things do you think God wants to do through you? Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone, to take a leap of faith to accomplish God’s plan for your life? Do you realize that there are people God wants to reach through you? Step out today! Do something radical for yourself and for God!